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Church of the Immaculate Conception
1023 E Russell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207
The South Shore Parishes host year-round 24 hour adoration at IC in Bay View on Thursdays 7:30 AM- Friday 7 AM. All currently scheduled IC adoration commitments expire on February 28, 2025. The new adoration schedule will begin the first Thursday of Lent, March 6, 2025, and runs for one year. If you are currently on the schedule, and would like to recommit for your current hour, or change to a new hour, please use this form to sign up. With your help we can expand adoration hours for our entire cluster of parishes, and the south side at large, beginning in Lent 2025 (so it would run from Thursday until the Saturday Evening Vigil Mass). We need 100 adorers to make this happen! The deadline to signup is February 23rd.
Considering signing up? Scheduled adorers commit to sit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for their hour each week. If an adorer will be absent they find a substitute or email the adoration coordinator:, who sends out an email request to our substitute list. We have over 90 substitutes ready to fill in when you’re out of town or sick. Historically, our substitutes volunteer to cover within minutes of a request. There is always someone ready to fill in. Your scheduled holy hour commitment would begin Thursday, March 6, 2025 and runs until February 12, 2026.
Can't commit? Signing up as a substitute adorer requires zero commitment. Substitute adorers accept email sub requests as much, or as little, as they'd like. They help sustain our adoration program.
Jesus is waiting to pour out his love on you as you rest in his real presence.