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Please Sign up for the position and time you want to volunteer. The position descriptions are as follows:
Registration: Helps check in contestants at Registration table at the beach
Surfrider Table: Promote Surfrider and sell Surfrider merchandise and Raffle Tickets
Beach Captain: Coordinates between Judges/Flaggers/Timers/on deck contestants
Timer: Keeps track of heat times and prompts signaler and flagger (no experience required)
Flagger: Raises and lowers signal flags (no experience required)
Score Runner: Runs sheets to score keeper (no experience required)
MC Assistant - Assists MC, back up for MC
Setup Coordinator - Directs the set up of event equipment the day of the event
Setup Crew - Helps set up the event equipment the day of the event
Tear Down Coordinator - Directs the tear down of event equipment the day of the event
Tear Down Crew - Helps tear down the event equipment the day of the event