Independence Bowl Welcome Committee signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Help the Bowl welcome our Teams participating in the Independence Bowl!

Show volunteers

What and when
Hotel Greeter - Greet players/coaches as they arrive at their hotel
Wednesday, December 13th @2:00pm
Beth W., Melina W., Cam F., Tracy W., Renee C., Cecil C., Eric B., Lindsay D., Kyle S., Brandi F., Tammy D., Cicely P., Kenadie B., Blake S., Joleeta L., Ashley P., Pat P., Gabby V., Lisa F., Linda F., Jan H., Ashley P., Kristi H., Stephanie J., Cyndi P., Kenzie B., Baileigh E., Brock W.,
Welcome Party Greeter - Greet players/coaches as they arrive to their party
Wednesday, December 13th @5:30pm
Beth W., Melina W., Cam F., Tracy W., Cecil C., Renee C., Eric B., Kyle S., Patricia P., Brandi F., Charlotte M., Lawrence C., Cicely P., Scott T., Joleeta L., Penny C., Kristi H., Stephanie J., Ashley P.,
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