March Bolivar Flats Clean Up signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please help us on Saturday, March 16th from 9 AM to noon cleaning up the shoreline at Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary. Your efforts will help prepare the sanctuary for the thousands of migrants coming through during spring migration and help provide clean habitat for our beach-nesting birds! Gloves, trash grabbers, and trash bags will be provided. Please bring your reusable water containers, and we’ll have water on-hand for refills. This will be our last chance to clean the beach and dunes prior to the beginning of the Beach-nesting bird season, so we hope to get as much cleaned as possible to give the birds and other wildlife a clean slate going into the summer months. This is also a great time to see migratory waterbirds at Bolivar Flats.

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What and when
Bolivar Flats Beach Clean Up Volunteer
March 16th, 9am - Noon
Emily M., Natascha L., Mayra L., Guadalupe O., Brooke B., Gunnar B., Veronica G., Nathan A., Patsy G., Liston R., Tony B., Ashley S., Debora S., John L., Cynthia T., Stephanie S., Nikolas C., Marisela p., Patricia G., Charles G., Paul C.,
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