12/16/23 Movement Crystal City Climbing Day for Youths + Families 5 & Up signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

We are seeking volunteers for our upcoming climbing day event for youths and families, ages 5 and up.

*Youth Mentors (Teens)*
We are looking for youth between ages 13-18 years old to volunteer as mentors for the kids in the 5-12 age group climbing day event. Since this gym has rope climbing, we encourage youths that are certified to belay to sign up. If you are interested in being a youth mentor but do not yet have the experience or confidence climbing, please contact us at info@unmatchedathlete.org and we may be able to get you into a climbing session with Movement!

*Young Adult Mentors*
If you are 19 or older interested in tabling or working with our youth as a facilitator, you are also welcome to signup! Please note that tabling duties may include handing out wristbands and assisting people to fill out forms.

We are also encouraging people with moderate to advance experience bouldering to signup as a facilitator volunteer. Please note, anyone interested in volunteering as a facilitator need to monitor the safety of the youth while they are climbing at all times. Movement staff may also ask for your assistance to work with the youth. Lastly, ALL young adult volunteers are required to have a background check. The background check is administered through Sterling and cost $18 that is good for a calendar year. You can complete your background check by accessing this link: https://bit.ly/3Uwa0lF

Thank you all for your support and look forward to seeing you all soon!

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What and when
Youth Mentor for age group 5-12 (12pm - 1pm)
Arrive at 11:50am
Youth Mentor for age group 5-12 (1pm - 2:30pm)
Arrive at 12:50pm
Adult facilitator for age group 5-12 (12pm - 1:30pm)
Arrive at 11:50am
Adult facilitator for age group 5-12 (1:30pm - 2:30pm)
Arrive at 1:20pm
Adult facilitator for age group 13-18 (12pm - 1:30pm)
Arrive at 11:50am
Adult facilitator for age group 13-18 (1:30pm - 2:30pm)
Arrive at 1:20pm
Table (12pm - 1:30pm)
Arrive at 11:50am
Table (1:30pm - 2:30pm)
Arrive at 1:20pm
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