7/24/24 Summer Plant ID Walk signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Summer Plant ID Walk
Summer is in full-swing, and we’re excited to go explore Pioneer Park looking for fruiting and flowering plants. Join us as we walk through the northeast quadrant, identifying native plants, sharing plant identification tips, and sharing about the different role’s plants play in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
All ages welcome, no experience necessary.

When: Wednesday, July 24th 7-8:30pm
Where: Pioneer Park NE, Meet at the corner of Island Crest Way and SE 68th St. Follow VOLUNTEER EVENT Signs
What to bring: Dress for the weather in clothes you’re comfortable walking in. You might want to bring a note book for notetaking, or a camera to take pictures of the flowers!

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What and when
7/24 Pioneer Park
Weds 7pm-8:30pm
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