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Mountain bike BBQ signup sheet

Coffs Harbour Scouts have been asked to run a BBQ for the Coffs Harbour Mountain Bikers. We will be doing breakfast bacon and egg rolls, lunch sausage sizzle, drinks from 8am to 2pm. Location is Mount Coramba, Coramba Downhill Mountain Bike.

Directions Getting There: From Coffs Harbour travel north. Take the exit into Bruxner Park road and follow the same road through scenic forests until you get to Mt Coramba road on the left. Travel up the dirt road and you’ll find the end of the trail on the side of the road marked by several jumps. Park some distance away from these jumps and off the road. From the north: Take the Moonee Beach exit and head inland to Bucca Road. Take the left at the crest of the hill into Central Bucca road and then right into Mt Coramba road.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Set up and Breakfast service
Sunday November 3rd 7.30 to 10am
End of Breakfast service and start of Lunch
Sunday November 3rd 10am to 12 Noon
Vanessa P., Dustin P., Zayden Parry P.,
Lunch and Pack Up
Sunday November 3rd 12noon to 2.30pm
Matthew P., Eden P.,
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