This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
McKnight is looking to fill approximately 40 volunteer positions for the CHC Casino Commitment on November 01 - 02, 2017. All Members are asked to volunteer as these funds go to directly benefit all players by subsidizing our registration fees.
CASINO DATES: November 01 - 02, 2017
CASINO LOCATION: Casino Calgary - 1420 Merdian Road NE
Any adult associated with a McKnight player can volunteer on behalf of that player, this includes parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Casino volunteers will receive "full credit" towards their volunteer commitments during the season as per the McKnight Volunteer Credit program. Volunteers will receive a $100 credit towards future dated registrations (2018-2019 season).
Volunteers needed:
4 General Managers
4 Bankers
8 Cashiers
8 Chip Runners
2 Count Room Supervisors
10 Count Room Staff
Due to the nature of the license, only CHC members can apply for the General Manager, Banker and Count Room Supervisor positions. If you have signed up to be a General Manager, Alternate General Manager, Banker, Count Room Supervisor, or Cashier, you MUST complete the CASINO VOLUNTEER WORKER APPLICATION FORM. This form is available on the McKnight CHC Casino Website page. Please print off this form, complete and sign it and email it back to the Casino Chair. Our Casino Chair will contact you to confirm your shift(s). Should you have any questions please refer to our Casino website page for contact information.
CHC Casino Chair:
Mandy Stewart -
We advise only one shift per player, but please also note that you can sign up for more than one shift or casino date if shifts are not being filled by other members. Also, if you have more than one player you can sign up for more than one shift: 2 players = 2 shifts. (Extra shifts will be honored if no other families can participate - One shift per player, to start).
Thank you in advance for your participation!