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Alice Lake 2025 signup sheet

Saturday, April 5, 2025

We have a new volunteer coordinator this year - Annika Kristensen. She has been a part of the 5Peaks family for years, as a racer and a volunteer.

If you are returning to a role that you've done in the past, please do contact Annika prior to sign up, just to make sure she knows what you've done in the past. Don't be shy! If you have any questions or concerns contact Annika at

Expect to receive the details of your role about a week before race day.

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Set Up Crew: Help set up the race site and we'll pick you up breakfast from Timmy's
6:00AM - 7:00AM
Alaia A., Sharon M., Michelle M., Sergiei M., Cassandra B., Karen S., Deanne M., Christopher C., David C.,
Tear Down Crew: A million kudos to whoever can help us pack everything away back into the trailer. If you're lucky Dave will invite you to lunch!
12PM - 1PM
Haven J., Cogan B., Jocelyn S., mike r., Sergiei M., Andy P., Deanne M., David T., Theresa P.,
Parking attendant: Welcome runners to Alice Lake and direct them to the appropriate parking area
7:00AM - 9:00AM
Carey G., Lee-Ann F.,
Bag Drop: Assist the runners with labeling their belongings and secure them in the trailer
7:00AM - 9:00AM/10:00AM - 12:00PM
MIN Z., Terryrae M., Sara G D.,
Kids Race Rabbit: Are you fast enough to outrace the kids 3K and 1K runners?
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Alejandro A.,
Kids Race Midpack: Run with the kids 3K and 1K racers -- it's a great warm up!
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Andrea M.,
Kids Race Sweepers: Run at the back of our kids 3K and 1K races! It's a great warm up if you're racing with the big kids later!
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Lorraine G., Stefanie H.,
Course Marshal: Cheer on our racers and provide directions at important intersections! Contact Annika with any preferences or limitations
7:15AM - 11:30AM
Show 13 names Haven J., Alaia A., Karen S., David T., Tara H., Char S., herman A., Rose L., David T., Vigan A., Kathryn R., Christine T., Mirella K.,
Aid Station Crew: Support the runners on course with a team!
7:30AM - 11:30AM
Cathy P., Mark G., kristin b., claire b., Colin B., Wayne D.,
Food Prep & Finish Line Aid Station: Feed and hydrate the hungry runners after they cross the finish line.
8:00AM - 12PM
Gary S., Kathleen B., Tara P., Ciaran B., Gillian C.,
Registration (Friday): Unite runners with their race bibs and swag! Note this will take place at Capra Running Co in Squamish.
2:00PM - 4:30PM
Maria M., Anne K.,
Registration (Friday): Unite runners with their race bibs and swag! Note this will take place at Capra Running Co in Squamish.
4:30PM - 7PM
Fran H., Michele P.,
Registration (Saturday): Unite runners with their race bibs and swag!
6:55AM - 8:55AM
Amanda M., Cassandra B., Christopher C., Deb K., Lesley N., Terryrae M.,
Sweeper Team - Sport Distance (People Sweep): Run behind the pack releasing the course marshals as you go!
9:00AM - 12PM
Nicole P., Christine L.,
Sweeper Team - Enduro Distance (People Sweep): Run behind the pack releasing the course marshals as you go!
9:00AM - 12PM
Jocelyn S., Cogan B.,
Sweeper Team (Material Sweep): Pick up all the flagging and signage.
9:00AM - 12PM (start times negotiable)
Fran H., Eileen C.,
Finish Line Medals: Assist Deanne and Buffy with medal distribution
11:00AM - 12PM
Anne K., Jane P.,
5 Peaks Store
7:00AM - 12PM
Caytlyn M.,
Friday Flagging Team: Prep the course with Dave
times TBD by Dave and the volunteers
Haven J., Kim H., Robyn F., Sara G D., Christine T., Ciaran B.,
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