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March - May Volunteer Dates signup sheet

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to help us at Backpack Buddies! We have added several night time packs and may add more if the need arises. We have many people wanting to help out each year and are so grateful for all of our volunteers. In order to allow more people the opportunity to come and serve, please only sign up the people in your family that will be attending. At this time, we ask that you only sign up for one date to allow more volunteers the opportunity to help out. If you'd like to volunteer more often, revisit the sign up sheet the week of as spots open up last minute.

This sign up sheet is for middle school aged children (age 12+) through adults only, but please feel free to bring your younger children along to help. We prefer that children under age 12 are not on the sign up sheet so we can verify we have enough adults to help out. So it is not necessary to reserve a spot for younger children.

If you have a group of 5 or more wanting to come volunteer, please email Nicole as soon as possible to get on a waitlist for groups. The sooner you reach out, the easier it will be to find a date for your group. Keep in mind it might be in the summer or fall.

All volunteers will come to our office located at 96 Werz Industrial Blvd on the day / time in which you've signed up. A reminder email will be sent two days prior to your volunteer day.

If you have any another questions or need to cancel for any other reason, please contact Nicole at to help make those changes as well.

Thank you in advance for serving with us!

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Evening Packing
Wed., March 12th, 7-8:00PM
Katie D., Gianna D., Gianna D., Brysen D., Jennifer B.,
Evening Packing
Wed., March 19th, 7-8:00PM
Brysen D., Gianna D., Katie D., Jennifer B., Brian B.,
Evening Packing
Wed., April 16th, 7-8:00PM
Show 10 names Katie D., Brysen D., Gianna D., Gianna D., Katie D., Matthew A., Kristine A., Ana D., jared D., Jessica T.,
Evening Packing
Wed., April 30th, 7-8:00PM
Show 10 names Katie D., Gianna D., Jennifer B., Brian B., Claire B., Christina B., Geoffrey B., Logan B., Matthew A., Kristine A.,
Evening Packing
Wed., May 7th, 7-8:00PM
Show 25 names Gianna D., Gianna D., Katie D., Christina B., Geoffrey B., Logan B., Kristine A., Matthew A., Kristine A., Jessica T., Jared D., Ann D., Rosie D., Terrilyn D., Zoey L., Roxanne L., Rebecca O., Nathalia A., Colleen A., Benjamin Y., Ryan Y., Mackenzie P., Angela B., Kelly W., Wesley W.,
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