Wasa Triathlon/Events 2024 - Volunteer sign-up for Set-up/Adult Events/Race Bag pickup/Take-down


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please email questions/concerns to our Volunteer Coordinator: wasavolunteer301@gmail.com

Thanks in advance for supporting the event prep June 8 and the event athletes June 9. Be up front to catch the action! Appreciation of your efforts will be shown with endless Thank-You's from participants, draw prizes, extra appreciation from us, snacks and more 'Thank-You' s ! Once you've added your name to the Wasa Triathlon Volunteer CREW, you'll receive a confirmation email. The Volunteer Guide will be emailed to you one week prior to the event weekend if you sign up after, please review/download the guide from the webpage. You're invited to sign up for 2 same day non-overlapping positions or for other non overlapping roles or for both days! Please forward this web link to anyone interested in being part of the Wasa Volunteer CREW. There is a separate sign up sheet for the Trikids event if you wish to volunteer after the Adult events, Thank you sooo MUCH! Please note: MANDATORY for ALL VOLUNTEERS TO CHECK IN at Vol Tent prior to reporting to station or meet with course area captain or enter any part of the venue.

Show volunteers

What and when
Saturday EVENT SET UP at WASA Lake Horseshoe Bay - Transition
10:00am-5:00pm Help set up for 2hr or more
Show 10 names Craig S., Glen J., Eric V., Samantha K., Liz V., Hugh C., Megan M., Richard M., Kyla W., Sam W.,
Saturday: Racer Package Handout - welcome, verify info, hand out bags
2:45pm-7:00pm in Cranbrook (Just Liquid Sports)
Cathy M., John L., Anna W., Samantha K., Martina F., Marcelle J., Glen J., Gerald K., Shannon M., Mothersill A., Curtis P.,
Sunday:Check-in - greet racers/staff/volunteers, body marking, hand out timing chips
6:00am-7:45am in transition
Tracy E., Kim B., Brad D., Doug K., Eric V., Paul M., Warren E., Christine c., Ron M., Shannon M., Lori K., Merrilee D.,
Sunday:Transition Area marshaling & cheering
7:40am-12:00pm in transition
Kathy J., Kim B., Barbara B., Donelda K., Doug K., Eric V., Phil A., Ron M., eric m., Jo S., donna w.,
Sunday: Bike Security Check verify bikes leaving transition/tag checks
9:30am-12:00pm in transition
Pam P.,
Sunday:Swim Course marshalls - paddlerboarders/kayakers & lifeguards
7:00am-9:30am meet at Main beach
Show 10 names Ava R., Marcel L., Kelly P., Mike M., Anna W., Emaline P., Nigel H., Patty H., Antony B., Chris B.,
Sunday: WETSUIT Strippers - help athletes remove wetsuits
Leo J., Cindy H., Olga L.,
Sunday: BIKE COURSE marshaling at specific locations (need vehicle)
Meet at 7:30am, 8-11:00am on bike course
Stacey S., Hugh C.,
Sunday: RUN COURSE Coordinator assistant (oversee volunteers)
Sun 9:00am-12pm
Sunday: RUN COURSE marshaling on Standard/Sprint courses/water stations
Meet at 8:15 am volunteer table. 8:20/8:40 am on the course
Cathy M., Suzanne F., Ken L., Donnie ( with Dante 12 years) K., Maddie (with Dorian 9 years old) K., Richard D., Richard's plus one D., Merrilee D.,
Sunday: RUN COURSE marshaling on Super Sprint course/water station
Meet at 7:45 am volunteer table. 8:10 on SSp course
Curtis P., Jassy S., Jassy (+1) S.,
Sunday: RUN COURSE WATER STATIONS Support person (manage supplies/setup/volunteers)
Sally M.,
Sunday: Finish-line Food prep/serving - no training necessary, just a smile!
9:00am-12:00pm Transition Area
Olga L., Cindy H., Elliot A., Michelle M.,
Sunday: Runner Escorts - follow top athletes with MTN Bike during run
9:10am-10:45am Meet near Transition
Sunday: Awards/medals Table - verify & hand out event medals
9:00am meet at Medals tent (finish-line)
Tracy E., Shannon M.,
Sunday: EVENT TAKE DOWN - Transition (tents/fencing/cones/tables, etc)
2:30pm meet at Vol TENT (a couple hours or whatever you can put in for time)
Eric V., Samantha K., Liz V., Hugh C., Suzanne P.,
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