2024 Summer Events signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Part of First Tee-Golden Isles, we engage with the community through local events, fundraisers, and other partnerships to bring our mission to the people in the community.

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What and when
100 hole marathon-set up
July 8 | 5:30 am- 7:30 am
Craig G., jim R.,
100 hole marathon-breakdown
July 8 | 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
jim R., Logan S.,
Torras Causeway Celebration Community Event- Set Up
July 13 | 9:00 am -11:00 am
John William B., Logan S.,
Torras Causeway Celebration Community Event
July 13 | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
John William B., Madison W.,
Torras Causeway Celebration Community Event- Breakdown
July 13 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
John William B.,
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