This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
We're currently looking for volunteers to help at Berlin polling station for the Global Presidential Primary. The event will be held at the Microsoft Digital Eatery, located at Unter den Linden 17, 10117 Berlin. The entrance will be on Charlottenstraße.
Volunteers will also need to attend one primary volunteer trainings at Cookies and Cream (Kremmener Str. 8, 10435 Berlin):
- Mon. Feb 24, 2020, 7-9pm
- Sun. March 1, 2020, 3-5pm
Each shift is two hours, but you are welcome to sign up for multiple shifts. Below is a short description of each of the different tasks we would like to fill:
- Set-up: We need volunteers to help decorate the space before the polling station opens.
- Greeter: These volunteers will stand near the entrance and will help direct traffic and show voters where to go.
- Registration table: Like a traditional polling station, we will need to check our membership lists to make sure all voters are members of Democrats Abroad. You will either help with checking names or help interested voters become members of Democrats Abroad.
- Floater: This position is for volunteers willing to help with any of these positions. We will assign you to tasks based on demand.
- Ballot box observer: This individual will stand next to the ballot box to make sure only official ballots are submitted.
- Democrats Abroad table: Help promote Democrats Abroad and collect donations for our merchandise.
- Voter Assistance table: Help people request their absentee ballots and/or register to vote.
- Ballot counter: At the end of the evening, we will need to count all ballots, so it will be important to have volunteers that pay attention to detail and can stay longer if needed.
- Clean-up: Volunteers to help clean-up the space and take down any decorations.
For full details about the primary, please visit our website:
Data use:
Administrators and volunteer organizers of Democrats Abroad Berlin will be able to view the information you provide and will send you emails. Further information on how this website (VolunteerSignup) uses your personal data can be found at
We will not use your data for any purpose other than the volunteer work for which you provided it; we may link it to the information you provided to Democrats Abroad at