Apartment Setup – 08/11/2024 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

We need 3-5 on-site volunteers to physically set up the apartment and others to purchase specific supplies to drop off at church. Individuals signing up for ON-SITE setup will be notified BY TEXT MESSAGE of the apartment's address.

Additional DROP-OFF items may be added to this list in the final days before the setup. If for some reason this setup needs to be cancelled or rescheduled, volunteers will be notified BY TEXT MESSAGE and email as soon as that has been determined.

For monetary donations, please use the following link: https://give.worldrelief.org/site/Donation2?1080.donation=form1&df_id=1080&mfc_pref=T

IMPORTANT TIP: If you are signing up to purchase items, please take a screen shot of the sign-up "Success!" page as a reminder of the specific items.

If you would like to receive a TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT for items purchased, please take a photo of the receipt(s) and email to Jalbergotti@wr.org with subject line "Donation Receipt Requested" and mention "Blacknall Apartment Setup" in the message.

Show volunteers

What and when
ON-SITE coordinator
Tue-Sun 4pm (World Relief pre-screening required)
Keith B.,
ON-SITE assemble, arrange
2pm-4pm (World Relief pre-screening required)
Andrea T.,
ON-SITE stock, clean
2pm-4pm (World Relief pre-screening required)
Andrea T.,
DROP-OFF protein items (2 servings bone-in chicken, 2 dozen eggs)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave in fridge with note
Elizabeth T.,
DROP-OFF rice/bread (1 bulk-sized sack of rice, 1 bag dry black beans)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Betsy P.,
DROP-OFF produce 1 (1 head of white cabbage, 1 head red cabbage, 1 bag carrots, 1 cauliflower)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Betsy P.,
DROP-OFF produce 2 (4 bulbs garlic, 2 onions, 2 tomatoes, 1 small bag potatoes )
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Betsy P.,
DROP-OFF produce 3 (1 bag oranges, 1 bunch bananas, 1 bundle cilantro, 2 avocados)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Elizabeth T.,
DROP-OFF general items 1 (1 box salt, 1 box pepper, 1 bottle cooking oil, 1 bag arepas flour)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Elizabeth T.,
DROP-OFF general items 2 (1 bottle ketchup, 1 packet Goya Azafran seasoning, 1 bottle orange juice)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Lindsey D.,
DROP-OFF bathroom items (bath mat, toilet brush, plunger)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Elizabeth T.,
DROP-OFF small light-duty dresser (similar to https://a.co/d/0Xf8Agh)
Friday - Sun 1pm, leave on lower atrium table
Mike E.,
DONATE: https://give.worldrelief.org/site/Donation2?1080.donation=form1&df_id=1080&mfc_pref=T
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