Rakentaminen, purku & AV / Venue setup, dismantling & AV 2024 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Ennen tapahtumaa ja tapahtuman jälkeen tehtävä roudaus, rakennus ja purku, mukaanlukien audiovisuaalinen tekniikka. Paikat: El Atico (Kumpulantie 1) ja Kalliolan Setlementti (Sturenkatu 11).

Pre-event premises setup & audiovisual (AV) assembly, as well as post-event dismantling. Locations: El Atico (Kumpulantie 1) and Kalliolan Setlementti (Sturenkatu 11).

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What and when
Atico - Tavaroiden roudaus El Aticolta Kalliolaan ja rakennus / Equipment transport and carrying assistance including setup
Thu at 10-16
Elisa K., Pekka H.,
Kalliola - Rakentaminen / Setup
Thu at 10-16
Suvi V., Mirko M.,
Kalliola - Kunnostus, roskat, moppaus / Cleaning, trash, floors
Sun at 17-18
Sirpa P., Kristiina K.,
Kalliola - Kunnostus, roskat, moppaus, vessojen siivous / Cleaning, trash, floors & toilets
Sun at 18-19
Vilja I., Antti S.,
Kalliola - Purku, tavaroiden roudaus Kalliolasta El Aticolle. / Dismantling, equipment transport and carrying assistance from Kalliola to El Atico.
Sun at 18-20
Suvi V., Mirko M., Elisa K.,
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