This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
4117 FM 89, Tuscola, TX. 79562
Get ready for an epic adventure! We're taking over a campsite, with a mission: painting a pavilion next to the pool. Join us for a weekend of fun, camaraderie, and impact. After Saturday's hard work, it's pool party time at 1600! Let's make memories and a difference together. Sadly, the swimming must be cancelled due to algae, but it'll also be very cold! However, the weather looks PERFECT for painting!
PLEASE if you want lunch, SIGN UP!!! We're not conveniently located to any grocery stores of restaurants, so we'll need to bring the food there and prepare in the cafeteria. Thus, we'll need a head count.
The Team Leader is SSgt Onesimo Gonzales.