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We will need approximately 30 volunteers to take on the role of Coordinator for each stall at Mayfair. If you were a Coordinator last year, we would very much welcome you back again, your knowledge will be useful. We would also like any new volunteers to put their hands up.
The Mayfair is scheduled for Sunday 4th May from 10am-3pm.
The main role of being a Coordinator is:
1. Assist the Mayfair Committee with getting the stall ready (where required) - we support this planning and will assist with any purchases, orders, and we are always here to help guide you when required.
2. Assist with setting up the stall on Saturday 3rd May (day prior to the event).
3. Coordinate your group of volunteers for the day (i.e. allocating out working times, this includes set-up, event time and pack-up) - all volunteers will be sourced by the Mayfair Committee in March or April.
4. Making sure you are on hand in case there are any problems during the day.
Mayfair would not be possible without the help of all of you. Thank you!