Camrose Regional Exhibition - Festival of Trees 2015 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

The Festival of Trees is the start up of the Christmas Season for Camrose and Area. From Christmas Trees, Displays, Entertainment, Children's World and Shopping we require the help of a lot of Christmas Elves (Volunteers). If you are interested in volunteering please read through the following information and either signup on this page or contact our office at 780-672-3640.

The Festival Runs November 20, 21 and 22, 2015
Friday Hours: Noon to 9:00 pm
Saturday Hours: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Sunday Hours: Noon to 5:00 pm

Depending on the area you would like to volunteer in, shifts vary in time being 3 to 4 hour commitments. Once you have registered to volunteer, our office will contact you to confirm the designated area and time. You will also receive further information regarding your volunteer position (detailed explanation), door passes, when to show up for your shift, and where you will need to go upon arriving for your shift, etc.

Areas Available and General Duties:
Entertainment Room - You will be at a table in this room collecting food bank donations as well as admission money from those people travelling with the entertainers and stamping their hands.

Cookie Cart - You get to stroll the entire area with the cookie cart, selling our Christmas Gingerbread Men. (They sell themselves). Someone who enjoys walking and interacting with the public is required for this position.

Children's World Ticket Sales - You get to sit in amongst all the excitement and sell the tickets to the children and parents for them to participate in all the Children's World activities.

Children's World Areas Available and General Duties:
Family Fun - Welcome children and parents into your "house". Collect their tickets and hand them the craft of their choice. We do not expect you to put together the crafts for the children.

Christmas Quackers - Welcome children and parents into you "house". Collect their tickets and hand out the designated prizes won. Will need to replace and mix the ducks up as required as well.

Crafts n' Christmas - Welcome children and parents into your "house". Collect their tickets and hand them the craft of their choice. We do not expect you to put together the crafts for the children.

Mrs. Pockets - (Requires 3 people/shift) One person to welcome guests, collect the tickets and give them a game chip. Keep the children in a neat line while waiting their turn. Will need to ensure that once the chip has been played and prize received, before the next person in line plays the game. Will require 2 people behind the house, one to watch who is playing (boy/girl/toddler) and one to give out the designated prize.

Petting Zoo - Collect tickets or cash. Instruct patrons to please wash their hands after leaving the zoo. Will also need to provide information such as - Parents are to accompany their children at all times, as well as hold patrons back until the zoo is opened and as it shuts down for the day.

If you have any questions regarding these areas available for volunteering - please contact the CRE office at 780-672-3640 and we will gladly explain things for you.
Thank you for your dedication and support to the Camrose Regional Exhibition it is tremendously appreciated by all staff & board.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Show volunteers

What and when
Entertainment Room - Collect food bank donations/admissions, stamp hands
Friday November 20 Noon-3:00pm
Nina H.,
Entertainment Room - Collect food bank donations/admissions, stamp hands
Friday November 20 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Cookie Cart - Selling Gingerbread cookies through out the Festival Area
Friday November 20 6:00pm - 9:00pm
June R.,
Crafts n' Christmas - Craft House within Children's World
Friday November 20 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Elaine B.,
Crafts n' Christmas - Craft House within Children's World
Friday November 20 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Mrs. Pockets - Plinko game within Children's World
Friday November 20 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Rachel C.,
Entertainment Room - Collect food bank donations/admissions, stamp hands
Saturday November 21 10:00am - 1:30pm
Marie and Jolene W.,
Entertainment Room - Collect food bank donations/admissions, stamp hands
Saturday November 21 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Cookie Cart - Selling Gingerbread cookies through out the Festival Area
Saturday November 21 10:00am - 1:30pm
Eunice R.,
Cookie Cart - Selling Gingerbread cookies through out the Festival Area
Saturday November 21 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Janet H.,
Family Fun - Craft House within Children's World
Saturday November 21 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Mrs. Pockets - Plinko game within Children's World
Saturday November 21 1:30pm - 5:00pm
Rachel C.,
Petting Zoo - Collect Tickets and/or Admission to the Zoo
Saturday November 21 11:00am - 2:30pm
Heather P., Hazel C.,
Petting Zoo - Collect Tickets and/or Admission to the Zoo
Saturday November 21 2:30pm - 5:30pm
chaney b., Alana M.,
Entertainment Room - Collect food bank donations/admissions, stamp hands
Sunday November 22 Noon - 3:00pm
Marie and Jolene W.,
Cookie Cart - Selling Gingerbread cookies through out the Festival Area
Sunday November 22 3:00pm - 5:00pm
June T.,
Christmas Quackers - Pick a Duck and Win a Prize House within Children's World
Sunday November 22 Noon - 3:00pm
Christmas Quackers - Pick a Duck and Win a Prize House within Children's World
Sunday November 22 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Mrs. Pockets - Plinko game within Children's World
Sunday November 22 Noon - 3:00pm
Alana M., Kaitlyn R.,
Mrs. Pockets - Plinko game within Children's World
Sunday November 22 3:00pm - 5:00pm
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