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2024 Grizzly Christmas Cheer signup sheet

As the countdown to Christmas is on, members of our Grizzly community have been asking how they can support our fellow Grizzlies during the holiday season. We have been in contact with some of our families to see how we can help over the holiday season. If your family would like to contribute, please sign up below to bring an item.

We kindly ask that families who are choosing to contribute, please bring the item that you have signed up for to the office by Wednesday, December 19th. Please wrap the gift and put a post-it note with the corresponding letter identifier on the present indicating who the gift is for.

Thank you in advance, the generosity of the school community warms my heart!

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
A) Gift for a 7 year old girl (Items on her wishlist include anything butterflies, jewlery making, or horses)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Michele M.,
B) Gift for a 10 year old girl (Items on wishlist include horses, jewelry making kits, crafts)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Kahla d.,
C) Gift for an 8 year old boy (Items on wish list include connect sand, playdough, farm animals and farm vehicles)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Lacey Z.,
D) Gift for a 9 year old girl (Items on wish list includes makeup, art and craft supplies, jewelry, Lego)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Alexis C.,
E) Gift for a 2 year old girl (Items on wish list include little people toys, baby doll, baby stroller)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Erin B.,
F) Gift for an 8 year-old girl (Items on wish list include, Lego animal crossing, black cat stuffie, science and outer space stuff)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Katie S.,
G) Gift for a 9 year old boy (Items on wish list include video games, soccer, nerf guns)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Katie S.,
J) Gift for a 5 year old boy (Items on wish list include dinosaurs, construction vehicles, farm toys)
By Wednesday, December 11th
Genista G.,
Walmart Gift cards
By Wednesday, December 11th
Kelsey B., Chantal S., Lacey Z., Alexis C., Chantal S.,
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