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One driver is all that is needed per day but ... it is always nice to have another person riding along! Meal pick up is at 11:15-11:30 AM at the Splitrock Apartments on Teakwood. It is best to wait for the truck to pull in and go in with the driver. If the door is locked, you will need to buzz one of the residents. Some of the meals are delivered within the halls of the apartment. The remainder of meals will be delivered within the Brandon city limits. A red cooler (hot food) and blue cooler (cold food) is used and a route sheet is included with the coolers. Carefully look over the sheet for any notations. Some of the meals include milk, while others may not. You may also have to deliver weekend meals. All of this information will be on the route sheet so look it over good. The route sheet and the bags are to be returned to the entry way of the apartment when finished. If you are new to this Ministry, please visit with Carla Gross. She will be happy to meet you at the apartments and walk through the process anytime! Church phone: 605-582-6902 or my cell: 605-359-6430
Thank you!