This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
FWOC / SOGO needs volunteers to work a casino every two to three years. The casino is FWOC's MAJOR Fundraiser. The funds raised at the casino are used for 2+ years, largely to support our junior programs, mapping, coaching, etc. It is vital that we have a successful casino this year to help fund the 2022-24 operating budgets. This year we are at the Cash Casino - 4040 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary.
There is no experience necessary to volunteer for any of the roles at the casino. All volunteers are trained by the casino and the time you spend there is a good way to meet other FWOC / SOGO volunteers. Do not be afraid of any of the positions! All the jobs are easy to do and you will always have a Casino staff person helping you. If you choose to volunteer both days, you MUST volunteer in the SAME role.
Lunch or dinner and snacks are provided.
We need to show that we have all volunteer positions filled in order to reach final approval for our Casino. Please sign up ASAP.
You will need to show proof of vaccination, negative test result or medical exemption letter, as per "the Calgary COVID-19 – Vaccine Passport Bylaw" at the casino.