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The casino for Onoway Parents Educative Association which works to use funding to enhance the Onoway Jr/Sr high school.
Location: Century Casino, 24 Boudreau Road, St. Albert
We will have Casino Advisors with us every step of the way and they will provide direction. These roles are easy and fun!
Holding a casino is a significant fundraiser for our group with proceeds going towards our endeavors at Onoway Jr/Sr Highschool. As a thank you during your shift, food and beverages are supplied by us.
We ask that if you commit to volunteering, that you will have no other responsibilities during your scheduled times, as it can be difficult to find replacements. If something were to come up during your shift, please try and find a friend or family member to cover your shift before cancelling.
If you are signing up for both days, you must be in the same position for both days.
Thank you so much for your help, it’s with amazing people like you that we can continue to support Onoway Jr/Sr Highschool. We greatly value all our volunteers and hope you can come out to our casino fundraiser!
Note: We will contact you to complete a Volunteer Worker form.