Truth and Reconciliation Night signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Located in the Multipurpose Room on Wednesday, September 27th, 6-8pm. Babysitting provided.

National Truth and Reconciliation Day is on September 30th, and a question that settlers often reflect on is “What can I do?” The Anti-Oppression Working Group (AOWG) has organized a game night where we can join together as a community to unlearn anti-Indigenous racism, build Decolonizing practices, and move towards Reconciliation.

What: An invitation to play Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee's Walking in Good Relations Sínulkhay (say-null-kai) & Ladders game. In small groups of 4-8 people, we will engage in discussion using the provided learning guide and prompts.

Why: To join together as a community to unlearn anti-Indigenous racism, build Decolonizing practices, and move towards Reconciliation.

Who: An open invitation to all Nelson parents
* AOWG members will host the game which means setting up the room and introducing the game and instruction.
* Participants will take collective responsibility for community care and individual responsibility for self-care and will exercise the right to leave the session if it is not serving them.

Where: Nelson Elementary School

When: September 27, 6-8pm. Babysitting provided

Show volunteers

What and when
Participate in the TR Game Night
Wednesday, September 27th, 6-8pm
Sara H., Rachelle S., Megan A., Allison C., Nicole S., Rebecca M., Chelsey B., Tadafumi T.,
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