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Join us for our 4th Annual Mulready Trunk or Treat! The following signup is to reserve a parking spot to decorate your vehicle and pass out candy and/or to host a yard game in the grassy area in the middle of the parking lot. If you sign up to host a game, please send an email to to let us know what game you plan to bring so we can make sure we don't have too many of the same game. Feel free to sign up for both!
Please note:
*For the safety of everyone involved, the area will be blocked off to vehicles at 5:45 pm. Once your car is parked it will need to remain there until the event ends at 7 pm.
*Participants will need to provide their own candy for distribution. Please make sure you keep your candy bag with nutritional information for our friends with allergies. No baked goods please.
*This is welcome to all Mulready families and staff to participate.
*If you wish to bring your family to trick or treat only, there is no need to sign up ahead of time. Just show up between 6 and 7 pm ready to trick or treat!