We are looking for race course staff to watch the course while making sure the runners cross the roads safely.

Lombard Park District 20th Annual Lilac Mutt Strut 5K & 1 Mile walk. 5/17/25
Time:7:00 -10:30am | 5/17/25
Show names Marymae M., bob B., Brad D., Caitlin K., Gayle K., Wayne K., Courtney J., deb b., Justin S., Lora L., Alma R., Nicholas R., Sophia R., Jennifer H., Heather B., Kari S., Guadalupe V., Charon C., Bria W., Patrice A., Emma A., Shawn A., Matt Z., Alma R., Nicholas R., Sophia R., Kathy M., Sanjida B., Dolores C., Krista W., Jennifer H., Kathleen N.,

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