10/26/2024 - 1909 Bel Air signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Helping an elderly, disabled woman needing her home painted and her wheelchair ramp stained. We will provide lunch for those who sign up for BOTH shifts (Please ensure to sign up for both the morning and afternoon if you are planning to work all day). The Team Leader is A1C Damien Laguna and Lead Carpenter is SMSgt Jason Chesonis.

Show volunteers

What and when
Scrape & Paint
Saturday, 0900 - 1200
Tyler B., Arieanna W., Jonah E., Marlon C., Jason C., Kevin H., Nancy G., Delicia E., Grant B., Daniel S., Zachary R., Grant B., Garrison S., Ashley C., Se'Nearo G., Manuel G., Sheldon W., Simone G., Leroy B.,
Eletrcial (install lights; please bring tools)
Saturday, 0900 - 1200
Dan H., Hal S.,
Saturday, 0900 - 1200
Brian T., Kyle L.,
Paint & Clean Up
Saturday 1300 - 1600
Jason C., Adriana W., Delicia E., Grant B., Dan H., Zach F., Emma A.,
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