This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
Thank you so much for signing up to volunteer with GreenFest Newark, Newark's annual green fair! Green Fest Newark festival will run from 12PM-4PM on September 21st, at Nat Turner Park. Rain Date – September 28th. You must be 16 years or older and we are doing shifts from 10am - 1:30pm and 1:30pm - 5pm (3.5 hour shifts). You are welcome to sign up for shifts in different roles as long as the time does not overlap. And you are welcome to sign up for both shifts in the same role. Please read the short descriptions of the different roles available before.
Registration Tent (4 total, 2 each shift)
• stationed at info tent in the park - seated
• provide general information about Green Fest Newark
• give directions, information about the activities
• distribute QR Codes for Scanning *
• collect email addresses - via form or tablet*
Vendor Floater (2 Total, 1 each shift)
• on their feet and mobile - aiding in supporting vendors. (2-4)
• Checking vendors in/ sharing their setup spots. (12-2)
Festival Floater(2 Total, 1 each shift)
• on their feet - circulating throughout the festival
• will relieve other volunteer roles as needed
• give directions, information about the activities and schedule for GFN to attendees
• distribute Qr Codes
Tree Giveaway Support (4 total, 2 each shift)
•Assist NJ Tree Foundation with their tree giveaway
• Must be able to lift 20+ lbs.
Swap Meet Support (4 total, 2 each shift)
•Assist X with the swap meet.
Zero waste Support (2 total, 1 each shift)
• Must overlook the composting/ waste system throughout the festival.
• Provide information on composting and composting services in the city.
Rental Equipment Support (2 total, 1 each shift)
•Ensure there are no damages to rental equipment
•Inform people the rental items must stay on festival grounds.
Production Support (4 total, 2 each shift)
• Assist in the set-up and/or breakdown of the festival
• Gathering NGT materials
• Assist in table, chair and tent breakdowns
• Assist in the giveaway
Marketing Support (2 total, 1 each shift)
• Assist with Community Engagement Coordinator in creating social media marketing videos.