Bolivar Flats Beach Cleanup signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please help us on Saturday, September 30th from 9am to noon cleaning up the shoreline at Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary. Your efforts will help prepare the sanctuary for the thousands of migrants coming through during spring migration and help provide clean habitat for our beach nesting birds! Houston Audubon will provide gloves, grabbers, trash bags, and water to refill your reusable containers. Please dress accordingly for the weather and sun protection.

Please meet at the vehicular barrier located on the beach ~3/4 mile west of Rettilon Rd in Port Bolivar. From the ferry landing, take Highway 87, 3 miles, turn Right on Rettilon Rd, turn right at the beach and drive 3/4 mile to the barrier.

Show volunteers

What and when
Bolivar Flats Beach Cleanup
Saturday September 30th, 9am-12pm
Cindy D., Alethea D., LINDA H., Francisco C., Nancy C., Ruby C., Elise N., Christy E., Elaine P., John B., Elizabeth B., Mara S., Biru Y., Lijen H., David S., Marylene C., Claire I., Roger M.,
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