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Pioneer Park Mindfulness Walk signup sheet

Taking inspiration from the Japanese idea of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), we will be hosting a series of mindfulness walks in Pioneer Park. Mindfulness walking in the forest has shown to have a myriad of benefits from improving heart health to reducing stress (

Forest Steward Marilyn Cornwell ( will be leading an hour-long guided walk through the park. Please join us if your curious about mindfulness, want to learn more about and experience healing powers of being in nature, and/or if you want to deepen your connection with Pioneer Park and others.

When: various dates
Where: Pioneer Park, Meet at the corner of Island Crest Way and SE 68th St. Follow VOLUNTEER EVENT Signs
What to bring: Dress for the weather in clothes and shoes you will comfortable walking and standing in, as well as water.

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
3/11 Pioneer Park SE
Tues, 11am-12pm
Ian L., Wooi Chin L., Shyamala B., Anna K., Deepa A., LeeAnne B., Thomas C.,
4/22 Pioneer Park SE (Earth day!)
Tues, 11am-12pm
Shyamala B.,
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