Attendance at the Digital Technology Parent Information Night signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

*Please note we are not asking you to volunteer to help with anything, you are just registering to attend the session.*
As part of the school’s Digital Learning Policy in particular the school’s commitment to promoting safe, responsible, and discerning use of digital technologies by our students we have invited Senior Sargent Jaclyn Mahood and Graham Higgerson from the Proactive Policing Unit to come and speak to parents of students in Years 3 to 6 on Wednesday 30th August at 6.00 pm in the BER. The session will cover: What young people SEE, SAY and DO online, the challenges they face, how to report and get help if things go wrong. Parents are strongly recommended to attend. Please complete your details below if you are attending, and we look forward to seeing you on the night.

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What and when
Digital Technology Parent Information Night
Wednesday 30th August at 6pm
Trudy C., Marcelo E., Tricia Q., NICOLE Y., Sheila K., Fiona W., Fang J., Beccie D., Geetha C., Lily T., Jingyi C., Julie J., Ashok S., Irwan W., Elaine W., JUN Y., Chiara A., Andrew A., Kshirabdhi Tanaya S., Michael B., Marcos F., Divya B., Yu Ming O., Anand M., Stephen L., Kunal M., Aman P., Ritu N., Bo G., Michelle and Eric H., Andrew H., Maja R., Nathan S., Zhu C.,
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