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Invasive Weed Pull - Help us get the PJ Gardens ready for Spring! signup sheet

Calling all outdoor enthusiasts! We need your help! We are seeking volunteers to help us pull out some invasive plants that are crowding the healthy plants in our park, garden beds, butterfly garden. We also need to clean out the wetland area. We will also be planting new tulips and bulbs. Parents and students welcome. We will be respecting Covid safety guidelines, keeping our volunteer numbers low, and practicing social distancing. This is an event on school property and all participants must wear masks including children.

WHEN: Friday, March 12th from 3:15pm to 5:15pm

WHERE: Meet by the Garden Boxes near the Gravel Field

BRING: If possible please bring the following:
-Garden Waste Bins or Brown Bags
-Garden forks
-Shears or Secateurs
*If you are working in the wetland area, you will need to wear Rubber Boots, and have rakes, garden waste bins and bags.

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
Invasive Weed Pull - Forest Area
March 12 at 3:15pm
Devan I., Seelan (Gr 2) I., Wendy M., Yanelis G.,
Invasive Weed Pull - Garden Box/Butterfly Garden Area
March 12 at 3:15pm
Show 8 names Caroline P., Alexa P., Sahar S., Dinh An P., Behrad R., Jennifer H., Sara D., Kyra S.,
Invasive Weed Pull - Wetland Area
March 12 at 3:15pm
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