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Friends of Piedmont Restoration signup sheet

Working closely with the Dallas Parks & Recreation Dept, the Laceywood Overlook Trail on Piedmont Ridge has been re-routed and is open again! But it needs some work.
For our first quarterly restoration day we will:
• Pick up trash and homeless encampment remnants
• Finishing marking the trail with biodegrable marking tape
• Drag cut brush and fallen timber to block eroding trails sections

Meet up at 2725 N Jim Miller Rd Dallas TX 75217, which is the parking lot for the softball field. Google map marker:

• Sturdy closed-toe shoes
• Leather or garden gloves
• Long pants

• Trash bags & grocery sacks
• Trash grabber tongs if you have them
Other tools graciously provided by Trinity Coalition.

We're going to take it slow and easy at first. Some top-notch botanists are on tap to check the trail to make sure it was not routed through any pivotal plant communities, but they need more plant growth in spring to tell for sure. There are some trout lily colonies on the ridge in the waning stages of their blooming season, so we'll need to be careful to look for them.

Friends of Piedmont is a casual group that loves the ridge. Joe Johnson, Kristi Kerr, Linda Pelon, Sharon McNutt, and Amy Martin would love for you to join us!

It'll take a while, but trail signs are underway. At the restoration day, Linda Pelon will share the latest update on efforts to get the ridge included in the National Historic Register for its Comanche history.

After a break, if we're not too tuckered we may hike the JJ Beeman Trail that connects to Scyene Overlook.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Trail Leaders
Sat., May 19 @ 9:30am to 12:30pm
Kristi K., Linda P., Amy M.,
Safety Leaders
Sat., May 19 @ 9:30am to 12:30pm
Trail Volunteers
Sat., May 19 @ 9:45am to 12:30pm
Hensleigh C., Nancy B., Mary W., Marcus R., Alex K., Chris T.,
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