WT/CP-United Community Center-Tues July 9 10:30-11:30am signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

UCC visit - Tuesday July 9th
Bruce Guadalupe Middle School 920 S 9th Street

We will be meeting and conducting our visit at Bruce Guadalupe Middle School....the building north of United Community Center.
920 S 9th Street
Enter the main door and we'll meet there.

This is part of the Summer Bridge wellness program for 8th graders to prepare them for the transition into high school. Students recently learned about mental health and this is a great segue..

For the first 5 minutes of our visit the students will be in an auditorium.
You (handler/pet teams) will be around the corner in the gym.

After the brief presentation about pet therapy and the benefits, our contact Gladys Reyes will have the students count off by 10 (or however many HPTs we have), then make their way to the gym and go to their respective spot. After 5 minutes the teams will move clockwise one spot...students stay put. We will try to make it around one full circle, but that's a lofty goal.

Parking lot options:

Street parking
There is also a parking lot just north of the school.
The entrance to the lot is on the south side of National Avenue, east of 9th Street...just before the overhead freeway.
There is a Park n Ride green sign....enter the lot...continue straight...cross the alley (you're heading south) and enter the next parking lot.
There is an exit on the southwest corner.
You'll cross the street and the school will be on your left side.

For a downloadable map...see the link in the PHP Calendar on our website or cut and paste this link

Show volunteers

What and when
Teams needed for one shift - 920 S 9th Street
10:30 - 11:30am
Justine and Seamus K., Kathy (ONX) R., Tracy/Josie J., Joyce & Harley M., Jill & Kevin M., Becky and Hattie B., Ann (Sandy) V.,
Presentors - 920 S 9th Street
10:30 - 11:30am
Lisa H.,
Volunteers non-dog assistance - 920 S 9th Street
10:30 - 11:30am
Number of attendees
Back up
Unable to attend
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