WGM @ Northern Spark 2018 - Ties that Bind signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Join us Northern Spark 2018!
This years event will be June 15th and 16th, from 9:02pm until 2:00am

WGM is looking for demonstrators!

In the Ties that Bind, we challenge you to hold the tension with or without a partner as you weave yarn into a story.

The Weavers Guild of Minnesota invites you to step into a weaving-strap and try out weaving on a rigid heddle backstrap loom. Backstrap weaving—a tradition of the Mayans that continues today in many parts of the world—requires the use of your body to hold the tension needed to weave. In the Ties that Bind, we challenge you to hold that tension with a partner as you take turns weaving a yarn and a story together, finding balance and unity in that tension. There’s also a solo option where you can get the hang of your weft and warp as you find your own balance of tension. Drop in to try your hand at continuing the thread of event-goers before you and be a part of the Ties that Bind.

WGM Hashtag for the event: #tiesthatbindmn

This years theme: Commonality. The theme of this year’s Northern Spark takes its cue from the festival’s venues in downtown Minneapolis: The Commons, Minneapolis Central Library, and Nicollet Mall. What is a 21st century commons? A 21st century library that serves everyone? A pedestrian avenue that is open to anyone? At a time when the darkest parts of our collective identity surface daily in public forums — overt racism, casual sexism, challenges to our rights to free speech, policies that fly in the face of climate science — we at Northern Lights.mn are committed to providing platforms that resist discriminatory ideas, open dialogue and create relationships. What do we have in common? More specifically in the context of Northern Spark, what do we share when we gather together in physical space?

Festival Background: Since 2011 thousands of Minnesotans and visitors have enjoyed Northern Spark, an annual all-night arts festival illuminating public spaces and streets of Minneapolis and Saint Paul with video projections, temporary installations and experimental performances. Memorable projects from past Northern Spark festivals include Chris Larson’s Celebration/Love/Loss, Jim Campbell’s Scattered Light, Luke Savisky’s Ex-MN, Pramila Vasudevan’s In Habit, and countless other projects from artists such as: Works Progress, Piotr Szyhalski, HOTTEA, Cloud Cult and Futures North’s Phase Change, which won SxSW’s design award in 2016.

WGM Volunteers needed! What is it? Our project consists of multiple, laser-cut, backstrap looms. Some of these looms will be tied to stationary objects like lamp posts etc. while the others will be worn by two participants, necessitating space to stand across from each other in order to use. We will bring some chairs for folks who would prefer to sit while doing the activity. We will have a table set up where participants can select a shuttle and wrap yarn around the shuttle they will use to weave with. More details will be provided on site, so don't fret!

Questions? Contact info@weaversguildmn.org

Show volunteers

What and when
Set-up the event: Responsibilities: meet at the site, help unload the car, organize the space like tie up the looms on the poles/trees, set up the perimeter rope.
June 15, 7-9pm
Beth B.,
Welcome guests at project entrance: Responsibilities: welcome folks and explain project, help guests select yarn, help guests wind yarn onto shuttles, direct guests to open loom
June 15, 9pm-2am
Welcome guests at project entrance: Responsibilities: welcome folks and explain project, help guests select yarn, help guests wind yarn onto shuttles, direct guests to open loom
June 15, 11:30pm-2am
Celeste G.,
Backstrap weaving helpers: Responsibilities: assist guests into backstrap looms, explain how to use the rigid heddle looms, help them with the first few passes on the loom, answer additional questions they might have, when they are done-help them out of the loom and direct them to the exit
June 15, 9pm-2am
Doreen H.,
Backstrap weaving helpers: Responsibilities: assist guests into backstrap looms, explain how to use the rigid heddle looms, help them with the first few passes on the loom, answer additional questions they might have, when they are done-help them out of the loom and direct them to the exit
June 15, 11:30pm-2am
Exit area: Responsibilities: collect empty shuttles from participants, thank them for coming to the event, answer questions if guests come up to the exit and direct them to the entrance
June 15, 9pm-2am
Exit area: Responsibilities: collect empty shuttles from participants, thank them for coming to the event, answer questions if guests come up to the exit and direct them to the entrance
June 15, 11:30pm-2am
Set-up the event: Responsibilities: meet at the site, help unload the car, organize the space like tie up the looms on the poles/trees, set up the perimeter rope.
June 16, 7-9pm
Sarah N.,
Welcome guests at project entrance: Responsibilities: welcome folks and explain project, help guests select yarn, help guests wind yarn onto shuttles, direct guests to open loom
June 16, 9pm-2am
Sarah N.,
Welcome guests at project entrance: Responsibilities: welcome folks and explain project, help guests select yarn, help guests wind yarn onto shuttles, direct guests to open loom
June 16, 11:30pm-2am
Backstrap weaving helpers: Responsibilities: assist guests into backstrap looms, explain how to use the rigid heddle looms, help them with the first few passes on the loom, answer additional questions they might have, when they are done-help them out of the loom and direct them to the exit
June 16, 9pm-2am
Heather M.,
Backstrap weaving helpers: Responsibilities: assist guests into backstrap looms, explain how to use the rigid heddle looms, help them with the first few passes on the loom, answer additional questions they might have, when they are done-help them out of the loom and direct them to the exit
June 16, 11:30pm-2am
Exit area: Responsibilities: collect empty shuttles from participants, thank them for coming to the event, answer questions if guests come up to the exit and direct them to the entrance
June 16, 9pm-2am
Exit area: Responsibilities: collect empty shuttles from participants, thank them for coming to the event, answer questions if guests come up to the exit and direct them to the entrance
June 16, 11:30pm-2am
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