Emergency Shelter Flip #1 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

We are so excited to "flip" an Emergency Shelter apartment for an incoming family! We need your help to clean and prepare for an incoming family. All opportunity instructions will be emails 24-48 hours ahead of each opportunity. Please reach out to Susan Midgett (smidgett@united-ministries.org) with any questions or concerns. All volunteers need to be at least 17 years old or accompanied by parent or guardian. Thank you for your continued support of UM!

Show volunteers

What and when
Cleaning Day
Tuesday, October 11th at 1 pm
Alicia R., Shannon C., Christy M., Mike K., Mary K.,
Finishing Touches
Wednesday, October 12th at 1 pm
Alicia R., LILIAN W.,
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