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Sista Strut Jackson 2024 signup sheet

Thank you so much to everyone volunteering for our 2nd Annual Sista Strut 3K Breast Cancer Walk. We couldn't do this without you! Please only sign up for one slot. For questions, please email

Sista Strut raises awareness for breast cancer - specifically in African American women and will be held Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the LeFleur's Bluff State Park.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
On-Site Registration/T-Shirt Pick Up: Assist in registering walkers and handing out shirts/backpacks, arrival time: 6:30am. Note: some of you will be asked to check in participants on a laptop or iPad. If you prefer to not be on a computer, please note that when signing up.
Show 20 names Erika G., Jeannette M., Shondra M., Rissah C., Rissah C., Maryetta H., Maryetta H., Nicole W., shalyn W., Kristyn w., Jacqueline S., Gwendolyn D., Yolanda J., Margaret W., Lori W., Doris T., Sydney J., Yolanda O., Carlette B., Toccara S.,
Finish Line: Help set up the finish line tables, move water, move granola bars, move fruit for participants as they finish - must be able to lift heavy items - arrival time 9:30 am
Rissah C., Rissah C., Rissah C., Gwendolyn D., Erika G., Lolvone W.,
Team Photos: Assist the participants with the iPad and coordinate teams to take their photos, arrival time
Erika G., Lolvone W.,
Cheer groups: cheer participants along route
Show 30 names Rissah C., Rissah C., Rissah C., Rissah C., Erika G., Cherie L., Angela N., Lolvone W., Carolyn J., Gwendolyn B., Jasmine K., Sydney J., Kelci T., Da’Ghiayah H., Debra A., Carlette B., Roxanne J., Jasmine H., Rhonda H., Histori S., LaCarla F., Territa B., Earnestine H., Greg H., Shamica M., Anastasia S., Doris S., LaKonita W., Barbara P., Aaron T.,
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