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Volunteer Signup - OMBA's Spring 2021 Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day - Saturday, June 5th

Volunteer Signup for various tasks for OMBA's Spring Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day. We're holding the first of two of these events on Saturday, June 5th. This free event encourages kids to hop on a bike and have a great time. This a fun event that cannot happen without your help. To sign up for one or more volunteer shifts, just use the signup form below.

The event is will take place at the New & Improved Corral Center Bike Park at Lory State Park (,-105.1805027,19z)

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Friday Food Gatherer - Work with Pete Grant to pick up coolers, sodas, snacks the day before the event.
Friday, June 4, 2021
Pete G.,
Setup - Set up tents and tables, etc.
9 am to 10 Saturday, June 5, 2021
Rebecca K., Chris K.,
Registration - get waiver signed, hand out name tags, direct riders toward appropriate group.
10 am - 11 am Saturday, June 5 2021
Brent B., Rebecca K.,
Ride Leaders - Lead rides of kids/parents, educate on rules of the trail and proper etiquette, show the kids how much fun mountain biking can be!
10:30 am - 12:00 pm, Saturday, June 5, 2021
Shawn P., Dan E.,
Photographer - Take digital pictures. LOTS of them. Do not sign up for this if you are a ride leader.
10 am - 12 pm, Saturday, June 5, 2021
Lunch Crew - Organize and distribute lunch for the event attendees (probably just pizza and drinks).
11:30am - 12:30pm, Saturday, June 5, 2019
doug b.,
Event Breakdown - Help take down tents, fold tables, clean venue, pack items, etc.
12:30pm to 1pm, Saturday, June 5, 2021
Shawn P., Bill H.,
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