Food sorting and packing 9/15 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

We need people to help sort through food donations for the mobile food pantry! We meet at 435 Curry to sort.
Volunteers from 1-2 will help sort food and make premade bags.
Volunteers from 2-3 will help make premade bags, move food to the Mobile Food Pantry site (infront of Ruggles in Cenntenial), and break down boxes. Feel free to sign up for both slots if able!

Show volunteers

What and when
Volunteer slot 1
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Samantha K., Abdulla K., Catherine D., Kayla P., Elie C., Shea C., Alexis D., Cassandra D., Romi M., Michael L., Jylah B.,
Volunteer slot 2
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Connie L., Catherine D., Elijah M., Sufi K., Zach G., Melody L., Abdulla K.,
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