PJ Movie Night Volunteers - Jan 31, 2020 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

The grade 1's are hosting movie night Jan 31, 2020. Parents (particularly grade 1) are being sought to volunteer at the event. Only parents volunteering will be able to stay, as this is a drop-off event.
We need volunteers to watch the gym and the hallway by the bathrooms to ensure appropriate behaviour, manage any problems, have kids put their garbage in the trash.
We also need volunteers at the front door, in the kitchen, and helping with clean up. Thank you!

Show volunteers

What and when
Help the lead organizer set-up the kitchen, and sell food
4:30 - 6:30
Sarah (.,
Food sales in the kitchen
4:45 - 6:30
Jennifer H., Sarah Y.,
Help lead organizer at the front door, then monitor kids during event
4:45 - 7:00
Jennifer B.,
Watch kids in the gym and hallway
5:00 - 7:00
Paulina M., Shannon H., Melanie M.,
Watch kids in gym, clean-up gym after event
5:15 - 7:15
Julie W., Elizabeth L., Abby M., Julia K.,
Bring about 40 cups of pre-popped corn (in a bag or container, no toppings added)
Stephanie L., Stephanie L., Elizabeth L.,
Grade 1 parent and child bring a dozen cupcakes or cookies for bake sale
Kerri M., Eric U., Fabiola M., Sogol S., Ada L.,
Grade 1 parent and child team to sell cupcakes and cookies
5:00 - 6:30
Kerri M., Samira E.,
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