July 18/19 Masses signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please register EACH family member that will be attending. If you need to cancel or make a change to your reservation, please click on the "Contact the sheet manager" button at the bottom of the screen or call the Parish office at 570-686-4545.

Show volunteers

What and when
Attend Mass
Saturday, July 18, 4 p.m.
Gerard M., Mark C., Dorothy Z., Marybeth R., nancy b., Arlene D., Steve M., Joe L., Barbara H., Marie V., Carlos V., Barbara M., Robert S., Mary H., Sue K., Suzy B., Pat B., Bob B., Pat L., Peter G., Joan G., Barbara L., Judy L., Charles W., Gabriel W., Len R., Valerie W., Andrea B., William W., Ed D., Marge T., Bill T., Mary P., Valerie W.,
Attend Mass
Sunday, July 19, 8:30 a.m.
Rick S., Eileen S., Hank B., Pat M., Cathy D., Bill D., Donna W., MARGUERITE R., Denise A., Ida W., Brendan O., Cheryl O., Bob T., Carolyn T., Larry F., Marge F., Desmond F., Jane O., Bill O., Hillary M., Bob M., Nick M., Sue M., Grace M., Deb C., Betty H., John H., Tony D., melissa s., amanda s., christina s., jessica b., mike b., Joyce C., Lillian G., Nora G., Chris B., Joy B., JoAnn F., Larry F., Violetta Z., Richard Z., Norma S., Ivan S., Madison C., Tristan C., Camille L., Janine E., Raymond M., Tom D., Tracy L.,
Attend Mass
Sunday, July 19, 11:15 a.m.
Barbara S., Oliver S., Fred S., Steven E., Jacqueline E., Tito M., Barbara G., ANNETTE M., Peter M., Maria M., Dario M., Amanda I., Connor M., Piotr G., Joanna G., Victoria G., Olivier G., Sophie G., Reynaldo T., Rena T., Edna T., Reynaldo M. T., Rosalina T., marie b., JoAnn R., Gary R., Rosalie Y., Mary P., Jim P., Sue C., Frank C., Janine E., Sue C., Sarah C., John Z., Summer W., Phillip W., Kasper G., Marybeth K., James K., Audrey B., Kathy D., Jeannette and Walter G., Marzio Q., Diane Q.,
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