Prepare and Serve an evening Meal at The Banquet in Sioux Falls (May 20) signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Risen Savior will once again be preparing, serving and paying for the evening meal at The Banquet on Monday, May 20th. This will be at The Banquet on the East side of Sioux Falls, 900 E. 8th St. We will need many volunteers for the day/evening. Please sign up to help if you can. This ministry is supported by our Loaves and Fishes, a Works of Mercy, Ministry!

Show volunteers

What and when
Prepare Food / Prepare Dining Room
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Terry W., Bruce G., Kerri C., Ashely V., Judie M., Mary Beth P.,
Serve Dinner / and the best part ... Dishes!
5:15pm - 8:00pm
Show 29 names Josh T., Terry W., Sarah T., Ethan T., Aaron T., Evelyn T., Aaliyah T., Mary W., Jim W., Chris R., John R., Barb and Jerry S., Nancy B., Ralph B., Lisa H., Nancy P., Dean P., David H., Ginny N., Aurora A., Jackie Z., Leann S., Merlin S., Karen S., Karen S., Gary and Terry L., Sue P., Gary P., Nancy T.,
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