2024 LASF - Fair Entertainment Schedule (Y5) signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Art Show & Fair Entertainment & Refreshments
This year we have sent an open invitation to local musicians, performers and dance groups to come and be part of our event on Saturday 7th during the fair and Sunday 8th as part of the art show's final day.

The Fair Stage
On Saturday 7th we will have performances from our school band, local dance groups and other performers on the stage in the playground. TSA - who run our school band - have very graciously offered to help with the PA system for the day. The roster for performances has been sent and artists are self-selecting times that they are available to perform.

The Art Gallery Piano - Saturday & Sunday
Upstairs in the school hall we will have a roster of budding musicians delighting our visitors. Again the roster is open for musicians to select a time to come and play. Our strings ensemble has been invited to perform on our Art Gallery Stage during the day too.

We need a small roster of parents to be on hand to make sure the stage is set, and the performers are greeted and shown where they are performing. You will be provided with a roster of musicians along with their contact details should you need to be in touch. You may need to provide some announcements to our crowds over the day, if you are happy to. It's a very simple task, and will make the world of difference to our LASF team to know we have people helping to run this schedule.

Show volunteers

What and when
Check that the playground stage is set up and PA system working (with help from TSA), check the piano is ready and PA system set up in the school hall for upstairs performances
Saturday 9am - 10am
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Saturday 10am - 11am
Dee A.,
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Saturday 11am - 12nn
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Saturday 12nn - 1pm
Jen Z.,
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Saturday 1pm - 2pm
Yan L.,
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Saturday 2pm - 3pm
Tantan Y.,
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Sunday 10am - 11am
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Sunday 11am - 12nn
Athena M.,
Greet the performers and make sure they are good to go
Sunday 12nn - 1pm
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