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NAMIWalks Iowa 2023 Volunteer Signup Sheet

If you would like a more detailed description of a volunteer role before signing up please contact Amanda Huppert at Otherwise once you register you will receive a more detailed description along with parking instructions etc.

To sign up, select a row below

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What and when
Set Up (Duties include: unloading items from a trailer, putting banners up- preferably someone comfortable being a small ladder-, setting up tables, tents and chairs, ability to read a map and operate a golf cart in order to put yard signs out along the route, other duties as needed)
Friday 9/29 12:30 pm- 3:30pm (may not take the whole time)
Angeline M., Alex M., Paul H., Becca H., Andy M., Scarlett G., Colin H., Ben M., Celia D.,
Check In/ Registration (T-shirt distributors and Traffic controllers)
Saturday 9/30 8:30 am- 10:30 am
Leslie C., Sienna B., Juliette N., Laura G.,
Book Sellers (we will be selling books and all the proceeds will go to NAMI Iowa; these volunteers will assist people purchasing books with either a card read or with the Venmo app; these volunteers should have basic knowledge of how card readers works and how the Venno app works- NAMI Iowa will provide training)
Saturday 9/30 8:30-11:00 am
Marissa R., Celia D., Natalyee S., Kayla A.,
Dog Zone (prepares dog area, refills water bowls, makes sure dogs are on leashes)
Saturday 9/30 8:30 am- 11 am
Emily C., Brian C., Becca H., Paul H., Adriana J., Lindsay S.,
Kids Zone (assisting to set up area, stenciled face painting, apply temporary tattoos, assist with games and handing out prizes, distributing coloring books and crayons)
Saturday 9/30 8:30 am- 11 am
Kaitie H., Isaac H., Mara M., Sydney M., Thuai H., Thuai H.,
Floaters/Runners (floating from area to area depending on where they are needed)
Saturday 9/30 8:30 am- 11 am
Andy M., Olin M., Mohammad M., Nirmal M.,
Clean Up (Duties include: Taking down banners, tents, tables, and chairs, removing all yard signs from parking lots, walk route and amphitheater; loading items into trailers; packing up registration and leftover t-shirts; packing up any remaining food, coffee or water including from water table along route)
Saturday 9/30 10:30 am- 1:30 pm
Alex M., Angeline M., Becca H., Paul H., Andy M., Amy E., Olin M., Braiden M., Cam A., Jaden M., KaDee D., Mohammad M., Melissa H., Adhitya S., Trinity H., Xiomara G., Michelle T.,
Lunch Helpers (Duties include: serving walkers lunch that consists of pulled pork and chips)
Saturday 9/30 10:30 am- 12:30pm
KaDee D., Celia D., Logan B.,
Raffle Ticket Sellers
Saturday 9/30 8:30 am-10 am
Jeff G., Scott C.,
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