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Every year the Baw Baw Big Blokes raise money and awareness for Prostate Cancer Research and Awareness.
They have again asked St Joseph's to provide wait staff for their major fundraising event, and as a thank you they make a generous donation to the school.
This year, the fundraising event will be held on Friday 25 October at Lardner Park, from 11am - 3pm.
No experience needed.
It is a great fun day out and a great way to support a group of local volunteers who have chosen to support our school.
If you are unable to help all day, that's fine, but can you please let Caitlin know what time you will be arriving/leaving, so we can keep track of who will be there and when (
(If there a few people who can stay to help serve afternoon tea that would be appreciated - we should be all done by 4pm at the latest - let Caitlin know if you are able to stay on).
Thanks for you assistance - it is truly appreciated.