This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
To fulfill any of your volunteer credits at the Fort Road Bingo Hall (13403 Fort Road NW), please complete the Registration Form below.
There is no walking required, you will receive one free meal during your shift break, and you will receive 1 credit towards your volunteer commitments. ALL bingo volunteers are required to be a minimum age of 18 years.
If for any reason you may have made an incorrect selection or can no longer fulfill the shift you registered for, please contact Heather. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours when cancelling your shift. This gives our volunteer/bingo coordinator enough time to make alternate arrangements and find a new volunteer for your shift if necessary. Although we do ask that you try to find a suitable volunteer to fill your spot such as another family member or friend. As long as someone works the shift on your behalf, your commitment will be considered fulfilled.