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2024 2025 Join the Master List of Trail Volunteers signup sheet

The Mono Nordic Ski Club is currently looking for members who:
- are interested in receiving targeted last minute requests for Volunteers and/or being on the Active Trail Work List

To sign up, select a row below

Show volunteers

What and when
I am available any day of the week for Trail Work
You will be contacted.
wendy t., Peter L., anne w., Douglas S., Wayne A., Robert C., Paul P., Richard L., Timothy L., Douglas S., Steven G., David P., David M., Frederic F., Janet S., Paul P., warren u., Maple S., Frances S., Jeff C., Linda L., John W., Geoff W.,
I am ONLY available on the Weekends for Trail Work
You will be contacted.
Dave S., STEVEN P., Ricardo R., Bryan W., Chris P., Krystal M., Erin I., Estelle A., Ryan P., Amy L., Mike O., Barbara O., Robert C., Jonathan W., David L., Chris P., Dan S., RICK S., Patti P., Mike P., Richard W., Julia B., Emily C.,
I am ONLY available during the School/Work Week for Trail Work
You will be contacted.
Frances S., Robert M., Lyall W., Chris R., Dave M., Charlene P., Stacey J., Don T.,
My schedule is always changing
You will be contacted.
Chris P., Jill C., Christiane L., Maple S., Ryan P., Sharon S., Claire M., Steve H.,
I have an up to date chain saw certificate
You will be contacted.
Steven G., David M.,
I am a trained Trail Captain
You will be contacted.
Benedict A., Ken B., Ross M., Pat J., Pete L., Bry F., Frederic F.,
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