All That Jazz Gala signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Pride Community Center is hosting it's first gala on 19 August 2023. Volunteers are needed to assist with decorating, set-up and break down. Volunteers who sign up to assist with decoration/set-up and break down will be eligible for a $20 discount for one volunteer shift or $50 discount for two volunteer shifts on the cost of a ticket for the gala.
The gala is being held at the Brazos Cotton Exchange located at 200 S Main St in Downtown Bryan.

Show volunteers

What and when
Decoration and Set-up
10am-3pm, 19 August
Amber R., Amber M., Floris D., Brayden R., Christine B., Tiffany K., Cleveland B.,
9pm-11:30pm, 19 August
Courtney T., Olivia L., Amber M., Carl B., Tiffany K., Cleveland B., Floris D.,
Food Servers - food service experience necessary
5:30pm-8pm, 19 August
Ariel T., James H., Marisa W., Linda A., Krysta P.,
Guest Check-in
5:45pm - 7:15pm, 19 August
Courtney T., Olivia L., Carl B.,
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