Leederville Toy Library stocktake 2023 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

All hands on deck! Your Leederville Toy Library is having a stocktake on the weekend of the 8 and 9 July 2023 to ensure our toys are ship-shape and that our database is up to date (and no toys have gone missing behind the shelves!). It has been many years since we have had a stocktake - 2019 was the last stocktake that involved the membership! Volunteering for a few hours is a great way to meet other members, see the full range of toys in the library, and/ or sit quietly absorbed in a task for a few hours...and it is part of the terms of membership.

We understand that the stocktake is happening during the July school holidays and some people may be away. If you are around and available, please put your name down for a 3-hour session (or more, we won't stop you!) and come and help keep the library in good working order.

Show volunteers

What and when
Friday stocktake
1 - 4 PM, Friday 7 July
Denise C., Rhiarne B.,
Saturday morning stocktake
9 - 12 PM, Saturday 8 July
Paula Ximena R., Liam H., Oonagh Z., Monique G., James W., Chloe H., Meera R., Fiona B., Sarah J., Paul G., Anna W.,
Saturday afternoon stocktake
1 - 4 PM, Saturday 8 July
Leor K., Jenna M., Ivy H., Lisa d., Nick W.,
Sunday morning stocktake
9 - 12 PM, Sunday 9 July
Simran C., Kim G., Maya C.,
Sunday afternoon stocktake
1 - 4 PM, Sunday 9 July
Claire D., Kamil S., Michelle C., Henry T., Kate P., Zeinab K., Phe T., Chelsea A., Alex U., Alessia U., Elodie Y., Ellen C., Jolynn D., Adrienne E.,
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