Roots & Ruts Trail Race 2022 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Friday, September , 2022 South Bear Creek Pavilion

Show volunteers

What and when
Package Pickup (Location: Ernies Sports Experts. Volunteers will assist our timing team with distribution of race packages.)
3pm to 7pm; Thurs, Sep 15th
Kim L., Rene M.,
Event Set Up (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion)
1pm to 5pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Nikki D.,
Course Markers (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion)
9am to 12pm; Friday Sept 16th
Drew R., Johnathan C.,
Course PreRunner (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Course pre runners run/walk the course before the race in order to ensure no wind, animals or humans have removed course markings overnight. If you enjoy an afternoon run, this is the perfect shift for you!)
1pm to 3pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Package Pickup (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteers will assist our timing team with package pickup. This will be a fast paced position as racers will be preparing for race start.)
3pm to 5:45pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Michelle H., Lisa R.,
Photography (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion)
5pm to 9pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Marilyn G.,
Medal Organization and Distribution (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteers will unpack and display medals pre-race. During the race, volunteers will present medals to racers.)
5pm to 8pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Nikki D., Lisa M., Sabrina M.,
Mascot (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteers will wear mascot costume and cheer on the racers. Dance skills are a definite asset.
5pm to 8pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Course Captain (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Course captain will ensure all course marshals are in their assigned locations before race start. Volunteer must be familiar with race routes)
4:30pm to 8pm, Fri, Sept 16th
Drew R.,
Course Marshal (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteers will be outside on course, in key locations, making sure racers stay on track. Cheering for racers while directing them is encouraged and highly recommended! Volunteers may leave their post when they are cleared by the course sweep.)
5pm to 8:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
LAVERNA E., Kerry C., Pam C., Whitney W., Gordon H., Lindsey M., Helen M., Judy T.,
Water Stations (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteers will assist water station sponsors.)
5pm to 8pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Barb D., Joe D.,
First Aid (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Must be certified)
5:30pm to 8:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Technical S.,
Timing Assistant (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteer will assist our timing team.)
5:30pm to 8:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Erica F., Stephanie S., Amy C., Michael A.,
Event Tear Down (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Volunteers will assist with event tear down and clean up.)
8:30pm to 9:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Nikki D., Whitney W.,
Course Sweep 5k (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Course sweeps hike the entire course. Some will follow the last racer to encourage them along the way and communicate the last racer's location throughout the course to our Course Captain. Some will clean up the course by pulling course markings and tape. If you are looking for a run/walk, this is the perfect shift for you! Medal will be awarded for completion of this volunteer position.
6:30pm to 8:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Caroline C.,
Course Sweep 3k (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Course sweeps hike the entire course. Some will follow the last racer to encourage them along the way and communicate the last racer's location throughout the course to our Course Captain. Some will clean up the course by pulling course markings and tape. If you are looking for a run/walk, this is the perfect shift for you! Medal will be awarded for completion of this volunteer position.
6:30pm to 8:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Course Sweep 10k (Location: South Bear Creek Pavilion - Course sweeps hike the entire course. Some will follow the last racer to encourage them along the way and communicate the last racer's location throughout the course to our Course Captain. Some will clean up the course by pulling course markings and tape. If you are looking for a run/walk, this is the perfect shift for you! Medal will be awarded for completion of this volunteer position.
6:30pm to 8:30pm; Fri, Sept 16th
Lisa R.,
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