CYAN Pasta Night July 2019 signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Volunteers for this event will help cook, serve and clean up the community meal on Tuesday, July 16th.

We are going to run 2 volunteer shifts. First shift is food prep from 4-6 pm, Second shift is prep, set up & running the event! You will enjoy a homemade supper, conversation with friends new and old.

Meet at the Ralph Connor Memorial United Church (617 Main Street) for your shift. The side door (the ice cream truck parking lot) will be unlocked. Please check in with Tara before jumping into the event. We will get you to put your stuff away, put on a name tag and apron if you're in the kitchen &

If you cant make it right at the start of your shift, no worries, please let us know when you could make it! We serve the community meal from 6-730 Pm, then with all hands on deck we will be cleaned up & out at 815.

If you are a returning volunteer and would like to take on a volunteer management role we would love to have you! Under the direction of CYAN staff we will walk you though the ropes of managing a team of volunteers in a fast paced & rewarding environment.

Show volunteers

What and when
Food Prep (chopping & preparing food so its ready to cook at 5)
Tuesday July 16th, 4-6 PM
Eva B., Khushbu C., Nozomi T., Amanda H., Kevin S.,
Set up, serving, clean up! Running the event!
Tuesday July 16th 5-15-815 PM
Hannah A., Mike H., Shaun J., Jakub K., Abdessamad E.,
Volunteer coordinator - manage our volunteer team!
Tuesday July 16th 5-15-815 PM
Patrycja C.,
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